Hypnosis for Infertility | A Method to Help You Get Pregnant

a couple looking at the pregnancy test

Getting a child is an incredible and life-changing event. However, the process of trying to get pregnant or being pregnant can be stressful, depressing, and make one anxious. The transition to parenthood can also be stressful. Some people will spend years trying to get pregnant, while others will become pregnant easily but remain stressed throughout … Read more

Hypnosis for IBS | A Treatment for This Gastrointestinal Disorder

a woman suffering from stomachache sitting on the bed

Are you experiencing some bathroom issues, or do you have some abdominal pain? Doctors have limited options for treating IBS, including the low FODMAP diet that helps get rid of IBS triggers (polyols, disaccharides, fermentable oligosaccharides, and monosaccharides). Hypnosis for IBS can be used to treat the condition. For instance, hypnotherapy helps to improve the … Read more

Hypnosis for Phobias | Is It Just as Effective As Conventional Therapy?

A Scared Woman Peeking Through Fingers

Research suggests that hypnotherapy can help people overcome (or at least deal with) a wide variety of common mental health problems. Examples of which include stress, anxiety, and panic attacks – all of which have been known to be brought under control, with the deep relaxation techniques associated with hypnotherapy. But to what extent is … Read more

Self-Hypnosis For Stress And Anxiety Relief | How Does It Work & What Are the Benefits?

A man lying on the couch with headphones on his head

The state of hypnosis can best be described as a state of highly focused attention with heightened suggestibility. Hypnosis is sometimes but not always accompanied by relaxation. Where a person such as a psychiatrist causes hypnosis in another, that is called hypnotherapy. When hypnosis is self-induced, it is called autohypnosis and is also referred to … Read more

Hypnosis Induction | Learn How Hypnotherapists Induce a Deeper State of Mind

Hypnosis induction, also known as hypnotic induction, refers to the process by a hypnotherapist of establishing the conditions necessary for hypnosis to happen. Hypnosis induction aims to help you tune from the external world and start tuning to your consciousness. It uses bodily sensations, focus, and awareness to help you get into a deep state … Read more

Hypnosis for Fibromyalgia | Effective Method To Alleviate Chronic Muscular Pain

woman suffering from backpain lying in the bed

Fibromyalgia is a rheumatic condition associated with muscular pain and tender muscles at specific body parts. Hypnosis is a proven method as far as an effective treatment of fibromyalgia is concerned. Many research and health specialists recommend hypnosis as an effective way to deal with fibromyalgia and other related body pains.  Hypnosis reduces the activity … Read more