The concept of happiness is elusive and difficult to define for one important reason:
Being happy is something that means entirely different things to different people.
It’s difficult to encounter a person who does not want to improve their quality of life and celebrate each and every day, feeling better than they do today. But what you often find is that what some people consider important in the pursuit of happiness is completely unimportant to others.
Any specific lifestyle could be a dream come true for some, or a living nightmare for others.
Increasingly, more people than ever before are turning to hypnosis in pursuit of happiness. The idea is that with the power to free themselves from worry, anxiety, and negativity, they can go on to live a more pleasant everyday life.
But to what extent is happiness through hypnosis possible? Can spending just a few minutes focusing on self-awareness every day make a real difference in your life?
The answer is yes, but just as is the case with happiness as a concept, hypnosis also means different things to different people.
What Is Happiness in Life?
What’s interesting about happiness is the way in which everybody wants it but almost nobody can define it. Take a moment to consider every want and need you would need to fulfill to feel happier. Chances are you’ll need no more than a few minutes to write a pretty long list of ‘demands’ for what you believe to be a pleasant life.
For most, these wants and needs tend to revolve around tangible possessions and financial success. For others, it’s all about finding love (see ‘Hypnosis for Love‘) and gaining full enjoyment of life through meaningful relationships. It helps with breakups, as well, when you just can’t seem to get over your ex.
What tends to be true in all instances is how every requirement you name in search of a positive existence – see ‘Positive Thinking Hypnosis‘ – is something of a goal or an objective. Precisely where people go wrong in pursuit of happiness, having associated life quality with what you have and what you achieve.
Sadly, neither of these things open the door to a life of wall-to-wall joy. You could get everything you want, but would this really make every day better than the last?
The short answer is no, it wouldn’t. You’d be feeling on top of the world and like everything was going great in the short term. But if you don’t have the strength within to appreciate what you have today, you’ll constantly be striving for more ‘things’ you think will make you happy.
The Cornerstones of a Positive Existence
It’s natural to assume that ‘getting what you want is the first and most important thing to do on the way to a better lifestyle. But this only ever tends to lead to a cycle of dissatisfaction – you get what you want, you lose interest in it and the journey begins to find something better.
Irrespective of how a person defines happiness and what it means to be happy, the cornerstones of a positive existence are always the same. In a nutshell, you will not make long term progress toward genuine daily joy until you can do the following:
• Learn to appreciate what you already have
• Stop comparing yourself to others
• Don’t instinctively want what others have
• Listen to and analyze your thoughts
• Understand, acknowledge and appreciate your feelings
• Focus on the time right now and not the future
• Enjoy what you have and stop chasing what you don’t
• Learn to relax and prioritize your health
• Understand the true pointlessness of worry
Of course, all of the above is easier said than done. It’s not like you can simply flip a switch and bring yourself the joy you want on a silver platter.
The root of a person’s unhappiness or dissatisfaction will always be different from one person to the next. But what remains the same in all instances is how the journey towards improvement always begins with the same basic step:
Identifying why you are dissatisfied, pinpointing what you believe would make you happy, and shifting your focus to what will actually make you happy.
Happiness Through Hypnosis or Meditation: Does it Really Work?
Hypnosis can work well in the pursuit of happiness if you have realistic expectations. Oftentimes, you’ll find newcomers going to initial hypnotherapy sessions, expecting to leave with a new sense of awareness and a permanent state of complete joy within a couple of hours.
Unfortunately, even the most effective specialist in hypnotherapy cannot produce overnight miracles.
If you want to make positive steps towards a life free from stress, anxiety, and counterproductive negativity, hypnosis can help. Both hypnosis and meditation can be equally effective in enabling you to listen to your inner voice and take better control over your health and wellbeing.
Be it listening to meditation tapes, practicing sleep hypnosis, or attending professional hypnotherapy sessions, it’s a pathway with immense potential.
But what’s important to understand is how hypnosis is purely about opening doors. Hypnotherapy isn’t about being told how to be happy, or ‘programming’ your mind to block out negativity. Instead, hypnosis provides you with the opportunity to discover what happiness really means.
How To Be Happy
It is often said that a life without meaning or purpose is a life wasted. Consequently, hypnosis for happiness isn’t about abandoning every goal and objective you have ever set for yourself.
Quite the contrary – it is about putting you in a better position to achieve what you want to achieve, though without placing excessive pressure on yourself or drowning in negative thoughts about what you don’t achieve.
Hypnosis and guided relaxation exercises can make a real difference in the pursuit of positivity. Other than this, the key to genuine long-term happiness lies in focusing on better health for the mind and body.
Precisely where a few simple lifestyle changes can help – the following coming most highly recommended by professionals:
1. Exercise
Regular physical exercise is of the utmost importance as part of your program for happiness. Countless studies have drawn direct links between a person’s activity levels and their likelihood of feeling stress, anxiety, worry, and so on. Getting up and active for even just a few minutes each day might make all the difference to anyone living a sedentary lifestyle.
2. Sleep Better
The same also applies to sleep, which gives the body and minds the opportunity to repair itself for several hours overnight. Whatever it takes, you need to find the time to get the sleep you need. Sleep deprivation has been shown to have a major impact on all aspects of human health – physical and psychological.
3. Eat a Healthy Diet
Adjusting your eating habits might also work well in supporting the cause. It is again a case of considering what is going into your body and how it is supporting (or hindering) its health. Habits like drinking, smoking, and eating too much junk food are known to make the quest for happiness even more of a challenge.
4. Meditate
Practicing mindfulness exercises to place yourself in a content and deep state of mind for a few hours each week can work wonders. Particularly when paired with hypnosis, meditating can help you take control over your mind, your body, and your outlook.
In Summary…
Achieving a happy existence through hypnotherapy is not about flipping a switch and turning off negative thoughts. It is about taking the time to make positive long-term changes and gradually bring about a new state of mind.
People will always define happiness differently from others around them. Though the starting point towards a happier life is the same for everyone:
Moving away from the trivial to focus on what really matters.
It may sound idealistic, but relaxation really does hold the key to being happy. You need to listen to your inner voice, decide what you really want out of life, and take steps to be free from worry, free from stress, and free from anxiety.
If it takes the guidance of a professional hypnotherapist to help make it happen, so be it. But you’ll almost certainly find it possible to improve your state of mind without the services of an expert – if you give DIY home hypnosis a try.