How To Be More Stoic | Become More Resilient With the Help Of Hypnosis

a young bearded man holding a cup of coffee

What are the fundamental principles of stoicism, and what does being stoic mean? Many people find it hard to endure pain without complaining. Self-awareness and Self-control are the key principles to being stoic. Stoic philosophy requires you to think of every word before speaking. A person needs to meditate and reflect on philosophical quotes to … Read more

How to Stop Saying UM | Get Rid Of Filler Words and Sounds

silhouettes of two person talking

Some words or expressions are so common; we use them in our everyday conversation without thinking. But sometimes, these words or expressions can make us sound unsure of ourselves. One of these is the word “um.” Um, can signal to others that we’re not sure of what we’re saying or haven’t finished speaking yet. It … Read more

Hypnosis for Headache | Proven & Impressive Effectiveness Over the Years

a woman with headache

There are two schools of thought when it comes to hypnosis for migraines and headaches.  On one hand, you have those who believe migraine treatment is only possible with conventional pain meds, arranged via conventional medical services and clinical consultations. On the other, many firmly believe that the key to the successful treatment of headaches … Read more

Hypnosis For Overeating | How to Stop Eating More Than You Should

a woman sitting at the table with a lot of food served

The human mind is complex, but it can be positively influenced in various ways. Hypnosis for overeating is a straightforward concept that requires no elaborate metaphysical explanations, theories, or practices. It’s simply about making suggestions that will help you to eat less and lose weight. It’s also about making positive changes to your lifestyle that … Read more

Hypnosis for Shyness | A Method to Boost Your Self Confidence

a woman hiding the face with her hand

Shyness is a tense feeling of discomfort you may experience when encountering new situations like meeting with strangers. It’s caused mainly by low self-esteem or social anxiety. We all are likely to feel shy at one point, but some people experience severe shyness to the point of avoiding social interactions. Shyness can inhibit your ability … Read more