Hypnosis for the Immune System | Get More Resilient and Improve Overall Health

On the surface, the concept of hypnosis (or self-hypnosis) to boost your immune system sounds nonsensical. Using hypnosis to teach the body to generate a stronger immune response doesn’t tend to be the preferred approach for most practitioners.

But what’s interesting is when you consider the main objectives of hypnosis, you begin to understand the correlation between hypnosis and the immune system.

At a time when most of the world is collectively concerned about immune health, now could be the time to discover the full power and effects of hypnosis and relaxation exercises for immune health.

We strongly recommend the Clinical Hypnotherapist, Steve G. Jones’ program Immune System Booster. It’s very effective when used over the course of a few weeks to reduce stress and improve your immune system function.

What is Hypnotherapy?

The potential for hypnosis to boost the immune system and help the body generate a stronger immune response has nothing to do with spirituality. Nor is there any bizarre hocus-pocus involved, as is often the case with so-called ‘alternative’ therapy.

the therapist taking notes during the session with his patient

Quite the opposite – the beneficial effects of hypnotherapy (and self-hypnosis) for your immune system have been documented and reported extensively over the years (see also ‘Healing Hypnosis’ here).

The results of a recent study conducted by certified hypnotherapists Grace Smith – alongside Dr. Keerthy Sunder and Samantha Franklin from the Mind and Body Research Institute – indicate that structured hypnotherapy could protect the body and mind from a variety of common problems.

Specifically, the patients in the study conducted reported the following on average, over the course of seven days:

• A 54.5% decrease in depression

• A 51.5% decrease in procrastination

• A 45.5% decrease in stress

• A 32% increase in happiness

• A 27% increase in satisfaction

• A 29% increase in feelings of contentment

Hypnotherapy works by providing those who take part with the opportunity to access their subconscious mind by entering into a hypnotic trance. Hypnotherapy is about training the individual in question to take control of subconscious brain function, which is typically out of reach.

It is essentially a deeply relaxed state that takes people a step further than daydreaming, though without sending them fully to sleep. Wellness management through hypnosis is far from a new concept, though has only recently been tied with measurable improvements to the immune system.

Even though the relationship between the two is fairly obvious if you understand how the mind plays a key role in determining our physical wellness.

Boost Your Immune System with Hypnosis (or Self Hypnosis)

The capacity for hypnosis to strengthen and improve immune response is little more than common sense. For the immune system to do its job properly, the body needs to be in the best possible condition. The more medical maladies and health issues patients are facing, the more their immune system suffers (see also ‘Hypnosis for Health‘).

With hypnosis, is a powerful form of therapy performed with the goal of healing patients’ bodies through targeted stress reduction. More broadly, hypnosis (and self-hypnosis) can be used to protect and improve the immune system by teaching patients to cope with anxiety, depression, everyday stress, and more.

A person’s state of physical health is tied directly with their psychological health. Hence, you are often only able to improve your physical health by first working on your psychological health. Training yourself to access your subconscious and control deeper brain functions could therefore hold the key to a better state of physical health.

And in turn, give your immune system the boost it needs.

an apple, a red heart and a stethoscope

Long story short – anxiety, stress, and similar psychological issues take a toll on the immune system and can make you sick. Hypnosis trains you to enter a deep state of relaxation and proactively combat stress. A simple yet effective activity, which when performed with frequency could make all the difference in the world.

Does Self Hypnosis Really Work?

Skepticism surrounding the idea of using self-hypnosis for improved health and wellbeing is nothing new. The idea that a professional hypnotherapist could be replaced with a simple self-help system for ‘DIY’ hypnosis sounds almost too good to be true.

Nevertheless, it’s a system that not only works but often produces equally positive results as professionally guided hypnotherapy. Several self-administered hypnotherapy sessions in and you’ll wonder how you accomplished anything before giving it a try.

There are various different approaches to self-administered hypnosis that are worth trying out. Some enjoy listening to hypnosis tapes and guided audio relaxation recordings – see ‘Best Self Hypnosis Audios‘ – downloaded from the web for free. For others, training themselves to enter a hypnotic trance is more about visualization, repetition of meaningful mantras, and deep meditation.

a woman lying down on the grass and listening to audios

It’s worth experimenting until you find which system works for you, as different approaches work for different people. Also, remember that most patients experimenting with DIY for the first time fail at the first attempt. Take your time and continue regardless – it takes patience and perseverance, but the results make the effort worthwhile.

Supporting Yourself Physically

Of course, you will not be able to boost your immune system through hypnosis without a suitably healthy lifestyle. A long-term health plan based primarily on hypnotherapy is, in all practicality, a bad idea.

Protecting the body and the immune system by learning how to relax and combat stress is essential. So is taking full control of anxiety, depression, self-doubt – anything that could be harming your body.

On a more general basis, it’s the way you take care of your body and mind in a physical sense that will make the biggest difference of all. If your goal is to boost your immune system with hypnosis and protect your body long-term, your wellbeing regime needs to be based on the following:

a young woman waking up after a good sleep

1. Getting enough sleep

The relationship between sleep and immunity is well documented and extensively reported. Every study conducted into the importance of sleep has drawn direct links between sleep and immune system health.

Not that this is surprising, given how sleep plays a vital role in sustaining each and every cell in the body.

Better sleep means focusing on the amount of time you spend sleeping and the frequency and regularity of the sleep you get.

2. Eat more healthy foods

The food you eat is the primary fuel source for your immune system. Disproportionate levels of unhealthy foods and drinks in our everyday diets can take a major toll on physical and psychological health.

Specifically, foods that are rich in antioxidants come highly recommended to anyone looking to sustain their immune system.

Incorporating more whole foods into your diet is a good place to start – as it basing as many of your meals as possible on fresh fruits and vegetables.

healthy food served in plates on the table
a man and a woman jogging outdoor

3. Get more active more often

Exercising excessively beyond your fitness levels can actually reduce the efficiency of the immune system. However, not exercising at all makes it impossible for the body as a whole to do its job.

Those who study the correlation between immune health and exercise typically report optimum effectiveness with moderate daily exercise.

This typically means aiming for a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate activity per week, which includes pursuits like swimming, jogging, cycling and brisk walking.

4. Stay well hydrated

Along with eating, sleeping and exercising in a more mindful way, keeping adequately hydrated is also essential for immune health. Again, hydration plays a role in protecting the cells of the human body from top to bottom.

Cells are made predominantly of water, so it stands to reason you need plenty to keep your cells in good condition.

The standard guideline is for adults to drink at least 2 l of water per day, which should be increased in accordance with activity levels.

a smiling girl holding a glass of water

In Summary…

Patients with even the slightest concern for their immune health or the general health of the body should consult with a practitioner at the earliest convenience. At the slightest sign of anything wrong, a quick consultation could save you from severe consequences at a later date.

Hypnosis for immune health is something that should be considered alongside a generally healthy lifestyle. It is not something that can prop up your immune system alone, or guarantee a healthy immune response if you are exposed to illness.

Nevertheless, it has the potential to prove particularly effective for patients who struggle with stress, anxiety and other psychological health issues. Self-hypnosis and meditation can play a key role in supporting immune health, through the power of relaxation and subconscious thought control.