Hypnosis for Depression | An Effective Method to Improve Your Mental Health

Hypnosis for depression could be your way to better mental health. Depression can be caused by some problems in your personal and professional life.

 Hypnosis or hypnotherapy helps you to stop the negative thoughts and emotions that drag you down.

Many people have tried to eliminate symptoms of depression using medication, and exercise. There is one alternative treatment for depression that I wish to consider in this article – hypnosis.

It works with your unconscious mind to help you overcome deep-rooted emotions of lethargy, hopelessness, and apathy.

What Is Depression?

Depression, also known as major depressive disorder or clinical depression is a mental health condition with symptoms such as pervasive and persistent low mood that is accompanied by low self-esteem, and by a loss of interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities.

Depressed people may also feel guilt, worthlessness, helplessness, hopelessness, irritability, and loss of energy.

They may contemplate (or commit) suicide. Depression is very common; at least 1 in 20 people will have it in their lifetime. It is a very serious health condition that needs to be treated as soon as possible.

a woman behind the wet window

What Is Hypnosis For Depression?

Hypnosis is a natural state of mind in which a person gets highly focused on a particular thought or object to the point where his attention becomes narrow and enhanced.

When you are in a hypnotic state induced by a therapist who knows how to hypnotize someone, it is said that you are totally relaxed and your conscious mind becomes passive and the subconscious mind delivers messages to the conscious mind without distortion.

Also, contrary to traditional beliefs, there’s no need for you to enter into any kind of trance in order to be hypnotized.

A therapist from a wellness center can help you get rid of bad habits and memories, improve your self-esteem, treat medical illnesses by using hypnosis to treat anxiety, stress, and depression, stop smoking, or overcome your fears. Also, using the power of imagination, hypnosis can make you feel and think differently about your life.


Self-hypnosis is the process of reaching a heightened state of awareness that allows you to influence your body’s physiological functions.

This therapy can work for many different things, including weight loss, anxiety, a drug-free solution to manage pain, a method of quitting smoking, and gaining more control over your life. Self-hypnosis can be achieved by using a number of tools including downloadable self-hypnosis audios, CDs and books.

If you want to achieve long-lasting results, then hypnotherapy has been proven as a way to change behavior and make real changes to your life. There are many different ways in which you can learn the art of self-hypnosis and use it for personal growth or you can just buy a ready-to-use hypnosis CD that can have powerful positive benefits on your life.

A Trained Therapist Can Help With the Treatment of Depression and Post Traumatic Stress

If you decide to take the therapeutic route (the best route), then I would recommend using a qualified and licensed therapist or hypnotist who is also a professional coach to help with the treatment of your mental health condition.

a sad girl on her treatment

Key Benefits of Hypnosis

For Anxiety and Depression

In a time where the cost of living continually increases and anxiety, stress and depression are at an all-time high, and finding therapy or medical treatment is crucial.

Have you tried everything to reduce your disorder but nothing seems to work? Are you so frustrated that you just want the symptoms of your condition to disappear forever? They can. In fact, they can be easily changed through hypnotherapy.

There are a lot of benefits to using hypnotherapy for mental issues – see therapy for bipolar disorder. In fact, many people who are dealing with these disorders have found that hypnotherapy works better for them than other forms of treatment.

Treats Addiction

Hypnotherapy is an alternative therapy for drug addicts to recover. It is a method of replacing bad habits with good ones. Hypnotherapy treats addiction by changing the way someone thinks, feels, and acts about their drug dependency.

The trained therapist helps the patient to think differently about their addiction. The effects of hypnotherapy will help the addict to avoid and fight cravings for drugs.

Can Hypnosis be Used to Treat Pain?

Pain in the neck, back, and head can be life-altering experiences. Pain can ruin your day and disrupt your ability to do things you normally love doing.

It’s common to turn to medication, which comes with its own set of problems. This is where hypnosis can be a pain remedy alternative that is both effective and easy.

This therapy or treatment for pain allows you to treat severe as well as chronic conditions. While it doesn’t work for everyone, many people find that hypnosis sessions provide relief resulting in a feeling of well-being or pain relief.

How Hypnotherapy Works

Hypnotherapy works by putting you into a state of heightened relaxation and receptivity. Your subconscious mind is almost like a computer – ready and waiting to accept instructions from the waking mind.

By telling your subconscious mind that you are calm and confident, it takes on the traits of relaxation and confidence, while at the same time becoming receptive to suggestions.

A Medical Personnel Will Begin With a Discussion of Your Mental Health Problem

A typical hypnotherapy wellness session begins with a discussion of the problem you want to work on.

The therapist may ask questions about your past experiences, habits, feelings, or behaviors related to the issue at hand. The therapist then will request you to concentrate and focus on these thoughts and begin some relaxing exercises.

A treatment session can last about an hour or more. While in this state, you will be fully aware of what is happening in your surroundings. You can hear and see what is going on in the room, though you may be focusing mostly on your own inner experience.

While under hypnosis, you can control how open or deep your state of consciousness becomes. Many therapists tell their patients to allow the hypnosis to deepen by itself and some therapists deepen their clients with direct suggestions, imagery, or other control tools and services

In the therapy session, the therapist works at a pace that suits the client.

Promotes a Sense of Calm

She may use relaxation and visualization techniques to guide the client into a state of hypnosis. The therapist or professional promotes a sense of calm and uses positive suggestions to help a patient release, trauma, stress and resolve issues they are facing.

The Medical Session Can Be Performed In Many Settings

You may even be surprised to learn that hypnosis is used by doctors, dentists, and other professionals during their medical treatments. The hypnotherapy treatment can take place in a number of environments, including a clinic or therapist’s office, a hospital, or your own home.

Therapist taking notes on her crying patient on the couch

Should Hypnosis Ever be Used to Treat Depression?

Yes. Hypnotherapy is a treatment for depression.

A lot of people have asked me over the years if hypnosis is effective in treating depression.  Often the reason they ask is that they suffer from this condition but don’t want to take medications because of the side effects or a personal objection to taking them.

When someone is under hypnosis, their body and mind are in a relaxed state that allows them to focus on what they want more easily. This can make it easier for them to change their behavior and thinking.

How to Find a Hypnotherapist

How do I choose a hypnotherapist? It’s no doubt that hypnotherapy is a powerful form of therapy. But, when you’re in the process of selecting a therapist to help you become hypnotized, you might be concerned about some details.

After all, it’s your health- and maybe even your life – on the line here. And with so many different hypnotherapists out there, how can you figure out which one is right for you?

Ask Around for a Recommendation

First, ask around for recommendations from friends and family members or any person who has seen therapists before, including those who were treated with hypnosis.

A licensed hypnotherapist can be an excellent resource for managing and eliminating mental illnesses. You will want to find a therapist who has studied and is experienced in using hypnosis as a form of clinical treatment.